IP Address and Domain Name Geolocation Lookup Tool

Continent Code NA
Continent Name North America
Country Code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) US
Country Code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) USA
Country Name United States
Country Flag country__flag
Country Capital Washington, D.C.
State/Province Georgia
City Athens
Zip Code 30606-6104
Latitude & Longitude of City 33.90996 , -83.45915
Geoname ID 10285236
Is EU? false
Calling Code +1
Country TLD .us
Languages en-US,es-US,haw,fr
ISP Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia
Connection Type
Organization Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia
AS Number AS3479
Currency US Dollar
Currency Code USD
Currency Symbol $
Timezone America/New_York
Timezone Offset -5
Current Time 2024-09-20 21:07:19.988-0400
Current Time Unix 1.726880839988E9
Is DST? true
DST Savings 1

Try our free IP Geolocation API

$ curl https://api.ipgeolocation.io/ipgeo?ip=
"continent_code": NA
"continent_name": North America
"country_code2": US
"country_code3": USA
"country_name": United States
"country_capital": Washington, D.C.
"state_prov": Georgia
"city": Athens
"zipcode": 30606-6104
"latitude": 33.90996
"longitude": -83.45915
"is_eu": false
"calling_code": +1
"country_tld": .us
"languages": en-US,es-US,haw,fr
"country_flag": https://ipgeolocation.io/static/flags/us_64.png
"isp": Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia
"organization": Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia
"asn": AS3479
"geoname_id": 10285236
"currency": {
"name": US Dollar
"code": USD
"symbol": $
"time_zone": {
"offset": -5
"current_time": 2024-09-20 21:07:19.988-0400
"current_time_unix": 1.726880839988E9
"is_dst": true
"dst_savings": 1

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