IP Geolocation API c-sharp dotNet SDK
In this document, you will go through the basic steps to use IP Geolocation API .NET SDK.
You need a valid 'IPGeolocation API key' to use this SDK. Sign up here and get your free API key if you don’t have one.
System Requirements
IP Geolocation API C# SDK has been developed and tested on .NET Core on Ubuntu.
Note: Internet connection is required to run this component.
Package Manager
Paket CLI
Basic Usage
Setup API
Geolocation Lookup
// Get geolocation for IP address ( and fields (geo, time_zone and currency)
GeolocationParams geoParams = new GeolocationParams();
Geolocation geolocation = api.GetGeolocation(geoParams);
// Check if geolocation lookup was successful
if(geolocation.GetStatus() == 200)
// Get geolocation in Russian** for IP address ( and all fields
GeolocationParams geoParams = new GeolocationParams();
Geolocation geolocation = api.GetGeolocation(geoParams);
// Check if geolocation lookup was successful
if(geolocation.GetStatus() == 200)
// Query geolocation for the calling machine's IP address for all fields
Geolocation geolocation = api.GetGeolocation();
if(geolocation.GetStatus() == 200)
Bulk Geolocations Lookup
// Query geolocation in German** for multiple IP addresses and all fields
String[] ips = new String[]{"", "", ""};
GeolocationParams geoParams = new GeolocationParams();
List<Geolocation> geolocations = api.GetBulkGeolocation(geoParams);
// Query geolocations for multiple IP addresses but only geo field
String[] ips = new String[]{"", "", ""};
GeolocationParams geoParams = new GeolocationParams();
List<Geolocation> geolocations = api.GetBulkGeolocation(geoParams);
Timezone API
// Query time zone information by time zone ID
TimezoneParams tzParams = new TimezoneParams();
Timezone tz = api.GetTimezone(tzParams);
if(tz.GetStatus() == 200)
// Query time zone information by latitude and longitude of the location
TimezoneParams tzParams = new TimezoneParams();
tzParams.SetLocation(37.1838139, -123.8105225);
Timezone tz = api.GetTimezone(tzParams);
if(tz.GetStatus() == 200)
// Get time zone information for IP address ( and geolocation information Japanese**
TimezoneParams tzParams = new TimezoneParams();
Timezone tz = api.GetTimezone(tzParams);
if(tz.GetStatus() == 200)
// Query time zone information for calling machine’s IP address
Timezone tz = api.GetTimezone();
** IPGeolocation provides geolocation information in the following languages:
- English (en)
- German (de)
- Russian (ru)
- Japanese (ja)
- French (fr)
- Chinese Simplified (cn)
- Spanish (es)
- Czech (cs)
- Italian (it)
- Korean (ko)
- Persian (fa)
- Portuguese (pt)
By default, geolocation information is returned in English. Response in a language other than English is available to paid users only.
IP Geolocation API C# SDK Objects Reference
IP Geolocation API C# SDK has following classes that you can use to fully leverage it.
Class: IPGeolocation.IPGeolocationAPI
Method | Description | Return Type |
IPGeolocationAPI(String apiKey) | Construct the IPGeolocationAPI object. It takes a valid apiKey as parameter and throws ArgumentException if apiKey is empty or null. | |
GetGeolocation() | This function to query Geolocation API. | Geolocation |
getGeolocation(GeolocationParams params | This function to query Geolocation API based on the parameters passed. | Geolocation |
GetTimezone() | This function to query Timezone API based on calling machine's IP address | Timezone |
GetTimezone(TimezoneParams params) | This function to query Timezone API based on the parameters passed. | Timezone |
GetBulkGeolocation(GeolocationParams params) | this function to query Geolocation API to lookup multiple IP addresses (max. 50). | List |
getApiKey() | This function to get the API key that you set to query the IPGeolocation API. | String |
Class: IPGeolocation.GeolocationParams
Method | Description | Return Type |
SetIPAddress(String ip) | Sets IP address to lookup geolocation. | void |
getIPAddress() | Get IP address set to lookup geolocation. | String |
SetFields(String fields) | Set fields to lookup geolocation | void |
GetFields() | Get fields set to lookup geolocation. | String |
SetIPAddresses(String[] ips) | Set IP addresses to lookup multiple geolocations. Throws ArgumentException if no. of IP addresses are more than 50. Note: Multiple IP addresses lookup is only available for paid users. | void |
GetIPAddresses() | Get IP addresses set to lookup bulk geolocations. | String[] |
SetLang(String lang) | Sets the language parameter to query time zone information. Default is 'en'. | void |
GetLang() | Returns the language value used to query time zone information. | String |
Class: IPGeolocation.Geolocation
Method | Description | Return Type |
GetStatus() | Returns HTTP status of the geolocation query. 200 is the successful query status. | Integer |
GetMessage() | Returns error message, if the query was not successful. | String |
GetIPAddress() | Returns IP address of the geolocation. | String |
GetContinentCode() | Returns 2-letters continent code. | String |
GetContinentName() | Returns continent name. | String |
GetCountryCode2() | RReturns 2-letters country code. | String |
GetCountryCode3() | Returns 3-letters country code. | String |
GetCountryName() | Returns country name. | String |
GetCountryCapital() | Returns country capital. | String |
GetStateProvince() | Returns state/province. | String |
GetDistrict() | Returns district. | String |
GetCity() | Returns city. | String |
GetZipCode() | Returns zip code. | String |
GetLatitude() | Returns latitude of the city. | Double |
GetLongitude() | Returns longitude of the city. | Double |
isEU() | Returns is the country in European Union. | Boolean |
GetCallingCode() | Returns country calling code. | String |
GetCountryTLD() | Returns country’s top level domain like '.au' for Australia. | String |
GetLanguages() | Returns languages spoken in the country. | String |
GetCountryFlag() | Returns a URL to country’s flag. | String |
GetISP() | Returns ISP name. | String |
GetConnectionType() | Returns connection type of the IP address. | String |
GetOrganization() | Returns organization using the IP address | String |
GetGeonameID() | Returns geoname ID from geonames.org database. | String |
GetCurrency() | Returns currency information of the country. | GeolocationCurrency |
GetTimezone() | Returns time zone information of the country. | GeolocationTimezone |
Class: IPGeolocation.GeolocationCurrency
Method | Description | Return Type |
GetCode() | Returns 3-letters currency code. | String |
GetName() | Returns currency name | String |
Class: IPGeolocation.GeolocationTimezone
Method | Description | Return Type |
GetName() | Returns standard time zone ID like “America/New_York”. | String |
GetOffset() | Returns time zone offset from UTC. | Double |
GetCurrentTime() | Returns current date-time string in the format “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ”. | String |
isDST() | Returns is the country observing daylight saving time. | Boolean |
GetDSTSavings() | Returns daylight savings time (in hours). | Double |
Class: IPGeolocation.TimezoneParams
Method | Description | Return Type |
SetTimezone(String timezone) | Sets time zone ID to query time zone information. | void |
GetTimezone() | Get time zone ID set to query time zone information. | String |
SetIPAddress(String ip) | Sets IP address to query time zone information. | void |
GetIPAddress() | Get IP address set to query time zone information. | String |
SetLocation(Double latitude, Double longitude) | Sets latitude and longitude of a location to query time zone information. | void |
GetLatitude() | Returns latitude set to query time zone information. | Double |
GetLongitude() | Returns longitude set to query time zone information. | Double |
SetLang(String lang) | Sets the language parameter to query time zone information. Default is 'en'. | void |
GetLang() | Returns the language value used to query time zone information. | String |
Class: IPGeolocation.Timezone
Method | Description | Return Type |
GetStatus() | Returns HTTP status of the geolocation query. 200 is the successful query status. | Integer |
GetMessage() | Returns error message, if the query was not successful. | String |
GetTimezone() | Returns time zone ID like “America/New_York”. | String |
GetTimezoneOffset() | Returns time zone offset from UTC. | Double |
GetDate() | Returns current date in the format “yyyy-MM-dd”. | String |
GetDateTime() | Returns date-time string in the format “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”. | String |
GetDateTimeTxt() | Returns date-time string in the format “EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss”. | String |
GetDateTimeWti() | Returns date-time string in the format “EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z”. | String |
GetDateTimeYmd() | Returns date-time string in the format “yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ”. | String |
GetDateTimeUnix() | Returns date-time string as a unix value in seconds. | Double |
GetTime24() | Returns current time in the format “HH:mm:ss” | String |
GetTime12() | Returns current time in the format “hh:mm:ss aa”. | String |
GetWeek() | Returns current week of the year. | String |
GetMonth() | Returns current month of the year. | String |
GetYear() | Returns current year. | String |
GetYearAbbr() | Returns 2-letters year abbreviation like “18”. | String |
isDST() | Returns is the country observing Daylight Saving time. | Boolean |
GetDSTSavings() | Returns daylight savings time (in hours). | Double |
GetTimezoneGeo() | Returns geolocation of timezone if you lookup timezone information from an IP address. | TimezoneGeo |
Class: IPGeolocation.TimezoneGeo
Method | Description | Return Type |
GetCountryCode2() | Returns 2-letters country code. | String |
GetCountryCode3() | Returns 3-letters country code. | String |
GetCountryName() | Returns country name. | String |
GetStateProvince() | Returns state/province. | String |
GetDistrict() | Returns district. | String |
GetCity() | Returns city. | String |
GetZipCode() | Returns zip code. | String |
GetLatitude() | Returns latitude of the city. | Double |
GetLongitude() | Returns longitude of the city. | Returns longitude of the city. |
Source Code
The complete source code for this SDK is available at Github.