IP Geolocation API Java SDK

In this document, you will go through the basic steps to use IP Geolocation API Java SDK.

You need a valid 'IPGeolocation API key' to use this SDK. Sign up here and get your free API key if you don’t have one.

System Requirements

IP Geolocation API Java SDK has been developed and tested on JDK version 8. Note: Internet connection is required to run this component.


Our Java SDK can be installed by various methods given below:


Add the following dependency in 'pom.xml' file to use the IP Geolocation API Java SDK.




Add the following dependency in 'build.gradle' file to use the IP Geolocation API Java SDK.


repositories {
maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/ipgeolocation/ipgeolocation" }

dependencies {
compile 'io.ipgeolocation:ipgeolocation:1.0.12'


Add the following dependency code in 'ivy.xml' file to use the IP Geolocation API Java SDK.


<dependency org='io.ipgeolocation' name='ipgeolocation' rev='1.0.12'>
<artifact name='ipgeolocation' />

JAR File

Use the following URL to download the latest JAR file for IP Geolocation API Java SDK.

Basic Usage

Setup API


// Create IPGeolocationAPI object, passing your valid API key
IPGeolocationAPI api = new IPGeolocationAPI("YOUR_API_KEY");

Geolocation Lookup


// Get geolocation for IP address ( and fields (geo, time_zone and currency)
GeolocationParams geoParams = new GeolocationParams();

Geolocation geolocation = api.getGeolocation(geoParams);

// Check if geolocation lookup was successful
if(geolocation.getStatus() == 200) {
} else {
    System.out.printf("Status Code: %d, Message: %s
", geolocation.getStatus(), geolocation.getMessage());

// Get geolocation in Russian** for IP address ( and all fields
GeolocationParams geoParams = new GeolocationParams();

Geolocation geolocation = api.getGeolocation(geoParams);

// Check if geolocation lookup was successful
if(geolocation.getStatus() == 200) {
} else {
    System.out.printf("Status Code: %d, Message: %s
", geolocation.getStatus(), geolocation.getMessage());

// Get geolocation for the calling machine's IP address for all fields
Geolocation geolocation = api.getGeolocation();

if(geolocation.getStatus() == 200) {
} else {
    System.out.printf("Status Code: %d, Message: %s
", geolocation.getStatus(), geolocation.getMessage());

Bulk Geolocations Lookup


// Query geolocation in German** for multiple IP addresses and all fields
String[] ips = new String[]{"", "", ""};
GeolocationParams geoParams = new GeolocationParams();

List<Geolocation> geolocations = api.getBulkGeolocation(geoParams);


// Query geolocations for multiple IP addresses but only geo field
String[] ips = new String[]{"", "", ""};
GeolocationParams geoParams = new GeolocationParams();

List<Geolocation> geolocations = api.getBulkGeolocation(geoParams);


Timezone API


// Get time zone information by time zone ID
TimezoneParams tzParams = new TimezoneParams();

Timezone tz = api.getTimezone(tzParams);

if(tz.getStatus() == 200) {
} else {
    System.out.printf("Status Code: %d, Message: %s
", geolocation.getStatus(), geolocation.getMessage());

// Get time zone information by latitude and longitude of the location
TimezoneParams tzParams = new TimezoneParams();
tzParams.setLocation(37.1838139, -123.8105225);

Timezone tz = api.getTimezone(tzParams);

if(tz.getStatus() == 200) {
} else {
    System.out.printf("Status Code: %d, Message: %s
", geolocation.getStatus(), geolocation.getMessage());

// Get time zone information for IP address ( and geolocation information Japanese**
TimezoneParams tzParams = new TimezoneParams();

Timezone tz = api.getTimezone(tzParams);

if(tz.getStatus() == 200) {
} else {
    System.out.printf("Status Code: %d, Message: %s
", geolocation.getStatus(), geolocation.getMessage());

// Query time zone information for calling machine's IP address
Timezone tz = api.getTimezone();

if(tz.getMessage()) {
} else {
    System.out.printf("Status Code: %d, Message: %s
", geolocation.getStatus(), geolocation.getMessage());

** IPGeolocation provides geolocation information in the following languages:

  • English (en)
  • German (de)
  • Russian (ru)
  • Japanese (ja)
  • French (fr)
  • Chinese Simplified (cn)
  • Spanish (es)
  • Czech (cs)
  • Italian (it)
  • Korean (ko)
  • Persian (fa)
  • Portuguese (pt)

By default, geolocation information is returned in English. Response in a language other than English is available to paid users only.

IP Geolocation API Java SDK Objects Reference

IP Geolocation API Java SDK has following classes that you can use to fully leverage it.

Class: io.ipgeolocation.api.IPGeolocationAPI

MethodDescriptionReturn Type
IPGeolocationAPI(String apiKey) throws IllegalArgumentExceptionConstructs the IPGeolocationAPI object. It takes a valid apiKey as a parameter and throws IllegalArgumentException if apiKey is empty or null.
getGeolocation()This function to query Geolocation API.Geolocation
getGeolocation(GeolocationParams paramsThis function to query Geolocation API based on the parameters passed.Geolocation
getTimezone()This function to query Timezone API based on calling machine's IP addressTimezone
getTimezone(TimezoneParams params)This function to query Timezone API based on the parameters passed.Timezone
getBulkGeolocation(GeolocationParams params)This function to query Geolocation API to lookup multiple IP addresses (max. 50)List
getApiKey()This function to get the API key that you set to query the IPGeolocation API.String

Class: io.ipgeolocation.api.GeolocationParams

MethodDescriptionReturn Type
setIPAddress(String ip) Sets IP address to lookup geolocation.void
getIPAddress()Get IP address set to lookup geolocation.String
setFields(String fields)Set fields to lookup geolocation.void
getFields()Get fields set to lookup geolocation.String
setIPAddresses(String[] ips) throws IllegalArgumentExceptionSet IP addresses to lookup multiple geo-locations. Throws IllegalArgumentException if no. of IP addresses are more than 50. *Note:* Multiple IP addresses lookup is only available for paid users.void
getIPAddresses()Get IP addresses set to lookup bulk geolocations.String[]
setLang(String lang)Set language parameter to lookup geolocationvoid
getLang()Get language set to lookup geolocation.String

Class: io.ipgeolocation.api.Geolocation


MethodDescriptionReturn Type
getStatus() Returns HTTP status of the geolocation query. 200 is the successful query statusInteger
getMessage()Returns error message, if the query was not successful. String
getIPAddress()Returns IP address of the geolocation.String
getContinentCode()Returns 2-letters continent code.String
getContinentName()Returns continent name. String
getCountryCode2()Returns 2-letters country code. String
getCountryCode3()Returns 3-letters country code. String
getCountryName()Returns country name. String
getCountryCapital() Returns country capital. String
getStateProvince()Returns state/province. String
getDistrict()Returns district. String
getCity()Returns city. String
getZipCode()Returns zip code. String
getLatitude() Returns latitude of the city. Double
getLongitude()Returns longitude of the city. Double
getGeonameID()Returns geoname ID from geonames.org database. String
isEU()Returns is the country in European Union.Boolean
getCallingCode()Returns country calling code. String
getCountryTLD()Returns country's top level domain like '.au' for Australia. String
getCountryFlag()Returns a URL to country's flag. String
getISP()Returns ISP name.
getConnectionType()Returns connection type of the IP address. String
getOrganization()Returns AS organization using the IP address. String
getAsn()Returns AS number of the IP address. String
getRoute()Returns BGP route of the IP address. String
getCurrency() Returns currency information of the country.GeolocationCurrency
getTimezone()Returns time zone information of the country.GeolocationTimezone

Class: io.ipgeolocation.api.GeolocationCurrency

MethodDescriptionReturn Type
getCode()Returns 3-letters currency code.String
getName()Returns currency name.String
getSymbol() Returns currency symbol.String

Class: io.ipgeolocation.api.GeolocationTimezone

MethodDescriptionReturn Type
getName()Returns standard time zone ID like "America/New_York".String
getOffset()Returns time zone offset from UTC.Double
getCurrentTime() Returns current date-time string in the format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"String
isDST()Returns is the country observing daylight saving time.Boolean
getDSTSavings()Returns daylight savings time (in hours).Double

Class: io.ipgeolocation.api.TimezoneParams

MethodDescriptionReturn Type
setTimezone(String timezone)Sets time zone ID to query time zone information.void
getTimezone()Get IP address set to query time zone information.String
setLocation(Double latitude, Double longitude)Sets latitude and longitude of a location to query time zone information.void
getLatitude()Returns latitude set to query time zone information.Double
getLongitude()Returns longitude set to query time zone information. Double
setLang(String lang)Set language parameter to lookup geolocation. Default is 'en'.void
getLang()Get language set to lookup geolocation.String

Class: io.ipgeolocation.api.Timezone

MethodDescriptionReturn Type
getStatus()Returns HTTP status of the geolocation query. 200 is the successful query status.Integer
getMessage()Returns error message, if the query was not successful.String
getTimezone()Returns time zone ID like "America/New_York".String
getTimezoneOffset()Returns time zone offset from UTC.Double
getDate()Returns current date in the format "yyyy-MM-dd".String
getDateTime()Returns date-time string in the format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".String
getDateTimeTxt()Returns date-time string in the format "EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss".String
getDateTimeWti()Returns date-time string in the format "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z".String
getDateTimeYmd()Returns date-time string in the format "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"String
getTime24()Returns current time in the format "HH:mm:ss".String
getTime12()Returns current time in the format "hh:mm:ss aa".String
getWeek()Returns current week of the year.String
getMonth()Returns current month of the year.String
getYear()Returns current year.String
isDST()Returns is the country observing Daylight Saving time. Boolean
getDSTSavings()Returns daylight savings time (in hours).Double
getTimezoneGeo()Returns geolocation of timezone if you lookup timezone information from an IP address.TimezoneGeo

Class: io.ipgeolocation.api.TimezoneGeo

MethodDescriptionReturn Type
getCountryCode2()Returns 2-letters country code.String
getCountryCode3()Returns 3-letters country code.String
getCountryName() Returns country name.String
getStateProvince()Returns state/province.String
getDistrict()Returns district.String
getCity()Returns city.String
getZipCode()Returns zip code.String
getLatitude()Returns latitude of the cityDouble
getLongitude()Returns longitude of the city.Double

Source Code

The complete source code for this SDK is available at Github.